Carnet de bord Exploration

De fablabo
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Statut du projet




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Description du projet

This is Mustafa I'm from the Ecole de la 2ème Chance I have 3 weeks of internship at Fablab my three weeks will be discovering the machines participating different experiences This is my second week I'm passing a very nice time so rich of information and meeting so many friendly members who is always ready to support.

Carnet de bord

Start discovering the machines and step by step start to make mine raincoat :)

Here is the Decouverte de Fablab meeting with people has projects and participating nice experiences

I tried to see why my battery not charging .... I did not succeed.

Here I'm trying to make Fabrication of the Chtmele Game

This is my online Python language studying

Ressources / Outils

générateur de boîtes en python chtemele